Sunday, 31 March 2013

Sinn Féin Should Lead the Radical Left

Sinn Féin should take a close look at the Meath East by-election. It was normal bland government stuff—the kind of thing the party hacks do in their sleep. It is a marvelous system where it is entirely possible they might get a Monkey elected, as long as it wore the old FG rosette. Those earnest radicals in SF should learn from the masters of spin and organisation. You see where the likes of FG and FF have the edge—is in their complete lack of respect for the electorate. These seasoned cynics know for a fact the electorate are politically inept—bland, and in many cases really scared. They know because they run the systems that educate the voters—many are the products of both religious and secular propaganda.

So when FG put forward the daughter of the tragic Shane Mc Entee—they knew it was a sure thing. The girl has no political pedigree; she is not radical even in the right of centre model. In real terms she is a number and she will adorn the back benches voting for or against any legislation as instructed. The old FG hacks will spout every so often as to how informed our electorate are—but I am afraid this is just spin so as to make really dumb people come across as intelligent.

Of course not all people who voted for the FG token candidate are dumb—many of the party faithful know about the numbers game, and they also know how to control society and protect the elite. But to succeed they need the blind assistance of the dumb electorate and they certainly got that.

Now where does Sinn Féin come in to all of this? Well rough figures suggest the poll was just 30% of the electorate which if correct tells us that 70% of those eligible to vote didn’t! Now as the boring political pundits remind us by-elections have a tradition of low turn outs. The question I am asking is why 70% of the electorate didn’t vote. Obviously some people were indisposed others may have been worried by the weather conditions and so on. Many people are apathetic to politics and the world around them save for what they can consume, others genuinely feel that the alternatives offered by the opposition parties are not credible.

Sinn Féin came third in the poll but if they had managed to steal some of the dissident vote they may have taken the seat. Now I say that with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek as I am no believer in our democratic system because basically it isn’t democratic, also if Sinn Féin add a number to the back benches it is just a pointless as FG.
However the main point that I make is an ideological one, yes that word again for those who love blandism they hate to hear it. With the centre right Labour party in disarray it is surely time for Sinn Féin to give the Irish people a real choice.

Do the Irish people need another left of centre party fighting for it citizens in the Dáil—or is it time for some leftist radicalism based on the rights and needs of the citizen. Yes they will run the risk of alienating some of their floating support but in my estimation they will gather huge chunks of the disenfranchised vote that is desperately seeking representation.

A radical Sinn Féin could restore democracy to the citizen and return the stolen natural resources to their rightful owners. With state intervention there would be massive job creation and improved economic growth—with all citizens paying a just amount of income tax. Sinn Féin could ensure that our Corporation Tax [lowest in EU] at 12.5% is actually paid to our citizens.
You see folks I deal in idealism and ideology—the right wing parties refer to this as 'Cloud Cuckoo land'—have a good look at the land they have created. Come on Sinn Féin do the right thing.

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