Thursday, 3 May 2012

Taking the Bollix out of Bollixology

I have sorted it out in my head, and there is no need to worry about austerity or fiscal treaties or politics in general I have it sorted and in the end it was a very simple process. No longer will I need to sit up all night worrying about our future, my nightmares have been replaced by bouts of restful sleep full of twitting birds, and meadows awash with wild flowers. I have found the secret folks and it came upon me at 4.02 am this very morning, in an instant my life has changed, as I have found the key to unlock the madness and mayhem that surrounds me. If I was a mathematical person I would describe it as a simple formula one that can be applied to many things in life, but particularly when it comes to media and spin and our perceptions of same. This formula doesn’t require serious issues it works just as well with ordinary things, such as a visit to the shops. You are probably unable to contain your excitement so I will let you have it people it is the simple awakening that comes to all jaded men and woman at 4.02am after another sleepless night, the dawning realisation as to what is wrong with the world and how does one go about fixing it, well? We start with the very simple term ‘bollix,’ hah I hear, he is resorting to vulgarity not true my friends as when I complete the sentence you will see, ‘Taking the bollix out of bollixology.’ I will allow you a moment to digest the importance of this statement, and I will take a little of your time to explain from where the said term has come from, and how my mental state at 4.02am was just about perfect for this Eureka moment. We could just about take anything you wish but let us start with something ordinary, like do we really believe things like ‘every little helps,’ or that a certain supermarket chain want us to spend less, like why would they want us to spend less? It doesn’t make any sense, yet they actually use this in their advertisement. It is hardly crucial or important but all of this nonsense has to start somewhere, and in the early hours the mind ponders many a small matter and allows them a pride of place they hardly deserve. I guess there is a room somewhere where the practitioners’ of bollix from the school of bollixology make up their routines. These guys are so successful they can more or less make us believe whatever they want. They claim that a two party state which is the natural home of capitalism is an example of true democracy at work—this country fights war after war to inflict its brand of democracy on other societies. These victims are rarely white they are usually Asian,or African—or Arab in ethnicity. Thus they spread the great capitalist virus around the globe and boy are we seeing it now in the Eurozone. These people have managed to put the bollix into the European union also, what started out as an economic and social revolution has been annexed by the power of the capitalist markets to the extent that it has become dangerous. The school of bollixology have gone to great lengths to turn even the most innocuous event into a competition—the recent Tv3 debate on the forthcoming treaty is a classic example. The empire holds its games and in the most recent debate it was Martin and Coveney 2—Higgins and Mary Lou 0. But what were they scored on, certainly not ideology Higgins was berated for not answering a question that he wasn’t allowed answer. Joe Higgins is not great on TV people say, but that’s because he is not a performer Joe deals in ideology—Martin and Coveney deal in spin and rhetoric but according to the public they won—how is this or more importantly why is this? Of course the bollix goes well beyond political debates and it goes into every area of our lives—people just won’t face the truth, the choice is there to be made, do we want to be citizens of a nation or consumers in an economy? Are we willing to allow self serving political parties forge the future for us, or will we as citizens reclaim what is indeed ours—can we take the bollix from the bollixology.

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