Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Enda Kenny's Ghost Writer Lacks Substance

There are some out there that think this government are doing a good job in what are extremely difficult times. These are people to whom the body of politics is still about personalities and localism they have no realisation that due to neoliberalism, politics is now global without personality, and very often devoid of substance.

Enda Kenny is the CEO of Ireland Ink [sic] self appointed I may add, as far as I knew he was Taoiseach of a very small country with around 4.5 million people—I wonder can he do both like be a Taoiseach and a CEO, at he same time. This is where the substance comes in—Enda Kenny has no qualifications or even experience to be CEO, of Ireland Ink, [sic], in fact what is he actually, he is just the leader of Irelands most right wing party- Fine Gael.

Enda is nothing if he is not dapper—he likes to pull up his pants before he sits down, straighten his blazer when he is standing, Enda is a fast walker immaculately groomed his stylists have him looking ten years younger than he is—this is learned political behaviour and learned from you guess where? That is right you are correct! The spin is in the appearance and the substance is unimportant.

Take his interview with Sean O’ Rourke at the weekend—the man is so busy he hasn’t time to make it to the studio to discuss the matters in question regarding Denis O’ Brien—the household tax, and the Fiscal treaty-leave all that to the hacks, this is the CEO-of Ireland Ink [sic] we don’t mix it with the rabble. So Sean respectful of your title O’ Rourke- interviewed the impeccable Enda on his own turf and entirely within the no substance agenda.

Enda of course had a bucket load of excuses about Denis O’ Brien and how he as CEO, of Ireland Ink [sic] wasn’t responsible for who was invited and who was not, he then waffled on about the household tax and the Fiscal treaty and he urged us all to put our differences aside and protect the generations to come by voting yes. On the jobs front he assured us that the entrepreneurs will deliver- and only as they can, the jobs will flow and the people will soon see the promised land. Sean reverential O’ Rourke didn’t ask him a hard question and that was it.

I wonder about all of this, and as I said recently in a tweet, that I always get the impression that Enda Kenny is speaking from a script rather than from the heart. It is like he is possessed by a Ghost writer who in a previous life wrote inspirational verse for gift cards. When one examines what Enda is actually saying, you come up with the awful realisation that he is saying nothing sustainable. His usual rant about entrepreneurs for example –what does this mean? Who are these people he refers to—are they waiting somewhere to be called to action.

Lets examine the substance, the Banks are still operating a credit embargo, and as the CEO admits there has been no progress on upward only rent review reforms. So let’s allow that Enda parts the Irish sea -and the entrepreneurial hordes are set free to create these illusive jobs, the conditions that Enda’s government have set for them are restrictive, and many would be slain and counted as statistics within the first two years, and any jobs created would drown with them. So what has this government achieved—well the austerity measures they introduced have deflated the economy, the measures they have put forward to aid their entrepreneurial crusaders are negligible- so what have we left ,more austerity because the country is spending more than it earns etc.

In summation Enda Kenny’s government should resign—they are a failure of epic proportions, they rely on one single element of economic stimulus that is to attract multi-national investment mainly from you know where? That’s right you have guessed correctly—this whilst providing some jobs only assists our economy rather than allows it to flourish.

Enda is redundant on plans outside of his Ghost writers brief—as leader of this state and not Ireland Ink [sick] he should be aggressively introducing action by the state in areas of job creation using the state owned sector in areas like forestry, fishing, agriculture and our natural resources, to assist in the growth of this economy.

State is the collective of all of us citizens—right now we need a CEO—like we need kick in the face, what we need is leadership-not lazy scripted words devoid of substance.

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