Vincent Browne is normally right, well he is right about a lot of stuff, and even when he is not right he manages to express a wonderful wounded look which says 'look they are tormenting my beautiful idealism with their cynical snarling brand of hogwash!'
But this time he is wrong he blames the ECB, for all our ills and points to their total lack of accountability to the European state, it's parliament and in turn to us the citizens.
Why should the ECB be accountable to us? Would I be accountable to the person who slipped and fell down the stairs after raiding my bedroom safe.
In order to demand accountability one must have the moral authority to do so, do we as citizens hold such authority?
We live in a divided society which is controlled by the flow of money, the system we live under is designed to make a few people very rich,allow a comfortable existence for many but also it leaves millions by the wayside trapped in poverty without hope.
We the people allow this, we encourage it by voting endless right wing politicians into power, in our case here in Ireland inexplicably so. So we are the people that Vincent wants the ECB to be accountable to like somehow we have the higher moral authority.
We do not own any moral authority look a the world we live in where people starve because of their colour, wars are fought to protect oil wealth and the arms industry. We are the makers of systems we make the ECB, it is us that are accountable to nobody.
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