Sunday, 27 February 2011

What do the election results mean!

Well blow me down the people have spoken and we have elected a majority of centre right politicians to sort out the mess that is this state. It is hard not to laugh at the prospects despite the spin and the sound-bytes.
What passes for proper media analysis is often just bland counter arguements followed by a spineless surrender as time runs out.

How refreshing to see that Fianna Fail is now trying to position itself as radical, and soon it wants to spread its poison in Northern Ireland, hard not to think these people exist without shame or morality, like they live in a fantasy world consisting of politics, political interviews, and the occasional back slapping.

Of course for the rest of us it will be business as normal, struggling with debt, our sons and daughters leaving us for foreign shores, and we wince at every mention of further austerity. No mention will be made midst the intial hysteria that our whole democracy is based on a corrupting system of over representation and the stark fact that many of the candidates we watched cheering and screaming as they were carried shoulder high around the count centres will fade to distant memory, as the whip system slowly strangles their ideology and we realise we could have elected a dummy instead.

There are lots of reasons why the Irish people are not radical and why we constantly rely on the spoofers in suits to serve us, one of course is the lack of organisation on the radical left and cohesion between the various groups involved. Labour did quite well to capture the most seats in their history but at what price, well they sold any sense of radical leftest policies for a slice of the middleclass vote.
It leads one to wonder after the dust has settled how disturbed people actually are by the political events of the last few years, they threw Fianna Fail to the wovles but then replaced them with Fianna Gael who sat back and watched as the fatted calf was slaughtered, are the middle classes not suffering as much as the poor?

I suppose anything is better than the dangerous crew from Sinn Fein, anyhow the new Fianna Fail Radical party are heading over the border to take them on!

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