Monday, 5 May 2014

Statism is the true alternative

We own this island us the human animal--we are the Irish herd, it is our territory our nation, yet we have given it over to an ideology that doesn't provide for us, leaving many in poverty with thousands of others emigrating, and peoples lives ruined from austerity.

In Ireland we formed the Free State in 1922 and went on our merry way, but let us have a look at the kind of ideology adopted by the State, [the herd] Ireland despite the impressive rhetoric of the proclamation adopted a similar system to our former political masters in Great Britain. We actually implemented many fine policies to begin with, as the herd needed electricity, its own infrastructure – a mix of state and semi state institutions that were major successes by the way, such as Esb—Bord na Mona—Aer Lingus, however Ireland was a small mainly agricultural economy with little indigenous industry, and because of this the notion that we could not sustain ourselves was born, and we got many years of Irish emigration mainly to our former masters in the UK, whilst at home much of the herd lived in city tenements or were subject to poor housing and living conditions.

After the counter revolution the civil war—coup d’ état –whatever one wishes to call it, all pretence of socialism, communism, or anything that didn’t protect the elites was dismissed, Ireland had adopted the mantle of capitalism and the freedom of individuals to excel –this is the mantra to this day, and the herd is still emigrating and many cannot afford housing and live in poor conditions, indeed many working people cannot afford the many essentials we need to live comfortably.

What is the argument –well it is in relation to how the herd wants to manage itself, if I mention statism critics go on about individual freedoms and the right to property, and to accumulate wealth, well lets counter that with how much are those rights worth? In a world where three quarters of its population live in poverty, that is the way it stands on a global scale. Where billions are spent on armaments by rich and powerful countries like the United States, whilst millions of their citizens exist on food stamps—and millions of America’s poorest work in dumbed down yellow pack jobs that resonate slavery. In truth we are seeking to trade an ideology that gives a minority the freedom to exploit their individualism to the detriment of the entire global herd, and Ireland is just a microcosm of that.

The far right are smart enough they now present capitalism as some sort of a neutral zone between Stalinism and Nazism; they rightly portray both of these forms of statism as murderous and brutal, and go as far as to claim that Nazism is fundamentally socialism with a racist caveat, of course they say all of this to deflect from the excesses of capitalism, which as stated earlier leaves us both globally and nationally unequal, and where it may give unlimited opportunity to the individual, it crushes the opportunities and freedoms for the majority of individuals through economic and social disadvantage. It is poignant they should quote a Stalinist and Nazism example, as if they looked to Norway for an example of how the state drives economics they may be forced to concede--and whilst I hold that property is the root of capitalism and all property should be under state control, that isn't the case in Norway where they have successfully married statism to capitalism--which shows how adaptable the ideology is.

The pro capitalists have their own version of [opus dei] in the form of neoliberalism which furthers the cause of unregulated capitalism, this ideology is the ultimate danger to the herd or the state in that part of its doctrine is to dismantle states by stealing the herds collateral piece by piece—this is done through the failure of capitalism to provide for the herd, either through gambling with citizens money propping up failed banks, or a downturn in the gambling markets, as in our recent history, this leads to austerity within the herd to be paid for by the ordinary herd members, then they dismantle the herds collateral by selling off assets belonging to the state, one by one they go, and when this combines with the gifting of our natural resources to the elites? The outcome is sure to be that only the strongest will survive, and those human animals that are old, sick, or disabled will be dispatched to the slaughter house, as they will be deemed unproductive and a drain on society.

In conclusion let us have a look at what statism is or could actually be, let us imagine the herd on this island, the herd [state] actually owns all of the land the natural resources the surrounding seas, so what is it that citizens –herd members need? Alright we need food and shelter, and we need good health to enjoy it, we need access to education, and we need infrastructure, we need to work if we are able to work, we need to pursue personal happiness in comfort and with security. We need the love and support of our families and our friends, and to know that our children are safe and will have prospects, and that the herd will care for all of its citizens.
How far away from that are we now—so far away that it is nigh impossible to imagine we can ever exist like that. Are we sacrificing this so as the world can be bought up by wealthy billionaire’s, surely people can see that countries are been sold off bit by bit, where sovereign countries are no longer sovereign. I believe the only answer is to place the state back where it belongs at the centre of all activity, and it is the state that should drive the economy and wealth creation as the states prime objective is to protect itself. The herd needs to take control, not in any Stalinist sense no grey uniforms, but a bright and wonderful system where the citizen shapes the world around them, capitalism will never go away but it is best controlled by strong state intervention, basically this boils down to the herd caring for itself, that is all of its individuals, not just the elite few.